Monday, December 19, 2011

"They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel."

This quote by the brillant Maya Angelou is one of my favorites:

"They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel. "

I am extremely lucky to be able to do what I love. I complain sometimes, but at the end of the day... I do truely love being a nurse.
I remember the moment (as most nurses do) that I decided I wanted to be a nurse. I was in junior high and had NEVER stepped foot in a hospital. My cousin Steven was in the children's hospital in Syracuse and after weeks of him being there, we were allowed to go visit. I stepped on that pedatric unit and was completely shocked by what I saw. I was literally scared. Steven (IV pole and all) ran right up to me and gave me the biggest hug... I think he saw that I was just a little bit frightened. So there we were, my 7 year old cousin... comforting 14 year old me. That's when I knew... 2 things. One... I was going to be a nurse. I wanted to be the one doing the comforting and Two... I would never be able to work with sick children.
Steven lost his battle to cancer... as way to many children do. I am proud to say that I am his family and he was and still is one of the most influencial people in my life. He reminds me everyday why I do what I do and I am so lucky to have him watching over me.

As nurses we get stressed, yelled at, overworked, under appreciated and lots of other gross things not worth mentioning. We come to work everyday to save lives and nurse our patients back to health, not for the money... but because we love it.
For me, it all becomes completely worth it when that one patient says those magic words.... thank you!
So today... do me a favor. Find your favorite nurse and let those magic words fly. They really do make our day!

To all my fellow nurses... Thank you!!!!

Peace and Love!


Saturday, November 26, 2011

On the back roads...

Being home makes me miss the country.... The kind where people refer to "traffic" as getting stuck behind a John deere and give directions by the farms you pass. It's so peaceful here.... Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to have a place like this to call home. There's nothing like a bonfire and some country dance 2 for some Saturday night entertainment.

Hugs and kisses!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

My very first...

Hey y'all,
I'm not a writer at all and I'm pretty sure they would kick me off stage at any sort of spelling bee (I owe my degree to spell check, whoever invented that... GENIUS!) Never blogged before in my life, but life is full of firsts isn't it.
So, why am I blogging?? Awesome question. The answer...
your guess is as good as mine.
I guess one reason would be my extreme hatred of facebook at the moment.  I'm glad you got to dance on a bar last night... but do you really need to post it on facebook. People have a lot to say about a whole lot of nothing... and sadly, I think I'm becoming one of them.  (Not going to lie... I'm totally guilty of posting bullshit.)
Anyone who knows me at all knows that I have a whole lot to say, and not everyone likes to listen to my rants (sometimes I don't blame ya). So, the option to click the x... perfect (I won't be offended).
I'm all for staying connected... so subscribe...comment...stalk... whatever you gotta do.
Until next time...


Turkey day at the poodiacks.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Since it's the day of giving thanks... Here's what I'm thankful for:
1. My awesome family... Look at all those pretty faces! How could you not love all of them!
2. My friends... Also very pretty.
3. My job... I complain sometimes, but I love what I do.
4. Food... I'm thankful that I have it.
5. My health... It's not the best but I'm still kicking. :-)

What are you thankful for today??